Episode 11: Sometimes It *Is* About The Pasta



On this episode of Terraced Out, Michelle and Kait dive into what steps Ruka is taking to pursue fulfill his Marvel/Spider-Man/superhero aspirations, what it means to support and respect creative professions, how teachers and mentors can shape our lives through constructive criticism (or lack thereof) AND as always, Kenny being Kenny and just how much of that the hosts are 100% done with! To hear this and more, listen now!

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Note: Mature themes discussed around the hour-forty minute marker!

Thanks so much for listening to Terraced Out! If you’d like to reach out to us, comment below, DM over on Twitter & Instagram OR email us HERE! Til next time…



Episode 12: Mute / Block / Unfollow


Episode 10: The Eggscellent Spider-Man