✿ your spirit’s heart song ❤︎

Michelle Grondine – certified Usui/Holy Fire® III Level II Reiki Practitioner

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when there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire 🔥

///have you been feeling stagnant, block, or just generally crummy? i know i sure have. it’s not an easy feat trying to maintain positivity and alignment when not only do you personally feel unmoored but the universe is also in the process of releasing what no longer serves it/// cont.


心魂 ≪こころだましい >>

///kokoro damacy: mind, body, heart, soul, spirit. spirited. one’s spirit resolute. your spirit’s heart song. the unwaiverable strength of spirit inside your entire being. inner strength/// cont.

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how do you feel about clarifier cards?

///one of the practices i picked up from watching pick-a-card youtube tarot queens @shonnettasintuition and @tawnymichelletarology is the practice of pulling clarifier cards. if you encounter a card in a spread that you would like a little further guidance or clarity on, you can ask the cards and see what they have to say/// cont.